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Updated on 14 December 2014


Section 5: Subsidiary bodies concerned with the maintenance of international peace and security

(e): Subsidiary bodies concerned with sanctions


Briefings by sanctions committee Chairs at public meetings.

In 2014, although many Chairs of sanctions committees have continued to give their periodic briefings in informal consultations of the whole, several such briefings have taken place at public meetings.  These have included briefings on the sanctions with respect to the Central African Republic (S/PV.7215); Côte d’Ivoire (S/PV.7292); Libya (see, for example, S/PV.7264); Yemen (S/PV.7175); and the Sudan (S/PV.7320).  This practice was commended during the open debate on the Council’s working methods held on 23 October 2014 (S/PV.7285 – see, for example, statements by the representatives of Australia, Jordan and Lithuania).  (This update supplements page 505 of the book.)



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