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2019 presidential note seeks to improve the conduct and scope of “Toledo-style” wrap-up meetings held at the end of Council presidencies

30 January 2020

On 27 December 2019, after two years of negotiations in the Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions, the Security Council adopted presidential note S/2019/994 on the subject of wrap-up briefings given to non-Council Member States at the end of Council presidencies . . .

Ukraine presidency solicits wider inputs for public wrap-up meeting in February 2017

25 June 2017

Early in Ukraine’s February 2017 presidency, its Permanent Representative initiated a new approach to the Council’s formal wrap-up meetings by inviting non-Council Member States and Observers to submit suggestions for topics which might be addressed by Council members in their statements . . .

“Toledo initiatives” are diversifying Security Council dynamics

30 July 2016

At the open debate on Council working methods convened on 19 July 2016, a number of speakers referred to the “Toledo initiatives” promoted by Spain with regard to several aspects of the Council’s work . . .

A wrap-up meeting covering two Council presidencies

13 September 2015

A public meeting held on 31 August 2015 marked the first time that a wrap-up meeting was held covering two presidencies, that of Nigeria in August 2015 and that of New Zealand in July 2015 . . .

New information on the origins of wrap-up meetings (with Table)

13 September 2015

It has now come to light that as early as August 1993, Madeleine Albright, the then Permanent Representative of the United States, initiated a wrap-up meeting during informal consultations of the whole at which Council members reflected on that month’s presidency . . . 

27 August 2014

At the end of its July 2014 presidency, Rwanda convened a wrap-up session in the format of a formal public Council meeting, thus reviving a format for wrap-up sessions which had last been used in March 2005.

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The Procedure of the UN Security Council, 4th Edition is available at Oxford University Press in the UK and USA. 

The Procedure of the UN Security
Council, 4th Edition

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